Ms. Post
Here are some links you may find handy.
The National Education Association resources for parents.
The national Parent-Teacher Organization fosters parent involvement in education.
The National Fatherhood Initiative is a resource for fathers.
Parent Success features parenting tips and strategies.
Kid's Health is a site devoted to children's health information.
Safekids helps parents address issues of safety on the internet.
Making Lemonade is a web site that is a resource for single parents.
Parents Helping Parents is a site for parents of special needs children.
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has a lot of information for parents about young people questioning their sexual orientation.
College Savings is a site for helping parents plan for college expenses.
Ms. Post’s favorite meditation channel, Cosmic Kids, is how we regain our composure after lunch/recess before going into our next lesson.
Apple's features for special education